
Friday, February 10, 2012

this week in science #9

The week in science we dissected four different animals and they were the frog, mouse, skate and the perch. My group did the perch and the skate. Kaysha and I did the skate and Timothy and NayQuan did the skate. The perch just look like a normal fish and the skate look like a sting ray but different. The dissection was really nasty because the smell was nasty. The liquid they have to put inside to keep the fish good smelled like i don't know what. It was some what a two day project. The first day we had to to take pictures of the out side and the draw the outside. The second day is the day that we dissected. Most people didn't like it but a few did.
   What i learned this week was that the perch was very similar to a fish. The organs were very small. It had gills instead of lungs. I think the hardest part about doing the perch was finding out what gender it was but at the end i found out it was a male both times. The boys had the skate and it was really big and had spikes on the back of it and they had a male one day and a female the next. The skate was the easyest to find the gernder.What our had to dissect was the skate and he perch. They were both very nasty and the biggest one was the skate. It was three times as big as the perch and it had a lot more water in it than the perch. Three similar things it had in common was the that the skin. They both had skin but it was very different the skate the top of the skate skin was ruff but the bottom was very soft

Friday, February 3, 2012

this Week In Science #8

this is the side view of the craw fish
this is the ventral view of the craw fish
 This week in science we learned a lot new vocabulary and what they mean like dorsal view which mean the back/spine of something or something. Ventral view which is the belly or abdominal view of something. The features of the craw fish is that it has a lot of leg. There  are 4 main legs and then on the tail there are 4 smaller legs. The environment of the craw fish is the water. The posterior of the craw fish is the head and the anterior of the end of the tail. The adaptation is that it looks like a smaller lobster. Maybe is once was a lobster but over time became smaller due to the water level.

This week in science we dissected a craw fish and a cricket. It was really fun and it was a fun experience to have. When i did this in 8th grade is was different because we had to do a frog. The smell was the same and it was not a good smell. I really liked dissecting but i can't take the smell, which makes the dissection non fun. I was hard to cut open the craw fish because it was tiny and when you were cutting open the chest all you heard was the crunches. i think that was the hardest thing to do. All the intestines were really small and it was hard to tell where the brain was